Media Action Center is a group of of concerned residents throughout the U.S. led by former Emmy-winning broadcaster turned media reformer Sue Wilson. We have successfully influenced policy at the Federal Communications Commission and at local TV and Radio stations throughout the country for more than a decade to ensure We the People are truly served by the publicly owned airwaves. (See the archive of our work under "older posts.") We successfully forced Entercom to give up its $13.5 million license to KDND for killing a woman in a radio water drinking stunt. We have a long-running action to label Alex Jones' radio show as the fiction it is, which has taken Jones' program off dozens of radio stations nationwide. We educated the Supreme Court in FCC v Prometheus Radio on critical information to #SaveLocalNews.

Please see MAC's 2018 Comment to the FCC (below) to learn why these actions are crucial to Democracy. Find full journalistic coverage of the Supreme Court case and our Amicus brief, Sinclair Broadcasting's shell game, Alex Jones, the Strange v Entercom trial and other public interest media issues at For background on how we arrived in this era of disinformation and what to do about it, see Wilson's 2009 documentary Broadcast Blues.

What's Our "Agenda?" The Public Interest!

Who saw Bruce Maiman's oped in today's Sacramento Bee? 
In it, he defends a radio station which was found liable for the death of Jennifer Strange, a 28 year old mother of three children, directly caused by a reckless water drinking contest.  He believes KDND should retain its license to broadcast, and calls our effort to deny the renewal of KDND's license "bovinum excrementum."   Worse, he questions our real "agenda."
Our agenda is clear:  we are holding both the reckless broadcaster and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) accountable to public interest obligations.  The FCC is tasked with regulating all broadcasters to ensure they serve the public interest in their communities. But too frequently, the FCC favors the corporations they are supposed to be regulating and ignores the public they're tasked to protect.
Maiman mentions Sue Wilson's award winning documentary "Broadcast Blues," but it's out of context.  He obviously hasn't actually seen the film. 
But you can.    Join us and learn about your rights as the owners of the broadcast airwaves and find out what you can do to fix our media!
Thursday, Oct 10, Noon - 1 p.m.
Sacramento City College

3835 Freeport Blvd, Sacramento